Email Marketing: Effective and pro-active marketing
Email Marketing is a really powerful way to market and re-market your business both to existing and prospective customers.
First of all lets get something straight, I’m not talking about those spammy emails that nearly all of us receive each day even if we do click the un-subscribe button, no no, I’m talking about targeted emails from customers are already familiar with your business.
So lets say you provide a service or product and have a database of customer emails, either on a web document or maybe written own somewhere, why not email those contacts as part of an email marketing campaign and re-introduce your business in the process.
Scenario: You’re a Car Mechanic and each month your website receives 50 solid enquiries, on average you convert 10 to sales. The remaining 40 should be classed as prospects and be part of a Prospect email marketing list.
You could email them offering a taster session or a discount, whatever you want to offer them is up to you but by doing this we are introducing your brand and that is something they will remember when looking to purchase
Introducing Mailchimp, our favourite, and great for Email Marketing 
Mailchimp hands down is our preferred Email Marketing system.
Not only is Mailchimp easy to use for customers not that clued up, it has drop and drag features and the reporting is by far the best. The bottom line though is that it sends emails to an inbox and that is what we want!
If you are interested in our Email Marketing services then please give us a shout. We’re am more than happy to show you what we can do prior to us starting anything.
We can either set it up and hand the keys over to you or run it as part of another campaign, such as SEO or PPC.
Call us anytime on 0151 329 2509 or message me from Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. (All messages are kept private)