Local SEO Marketing
Many years ago, people would access Google and simply search for what they thought that were looking for, hairdressers, furniture shops, restaurants etc. This was fine but they pretty quickly came the realisation that they would then need to add a location to make their search relevant.
Estate agent in Bootle for example, rather than just ‘estate agent’ for example.
As Google became more intelligent, searches became more refined. But this was not just down to the Google search algorithm. Years ago, Google set about launching a suite of products starting with Google mail or Gmail. The full range of Google apps and accounts pretty quickly gave Google a very clear idea about users and, critically their locations.
Most smart phones default to allowing location access (which means that Google knows where you are geographically, either at home or as you travel around the country) so when a search is carried out on Google (which, depending which data you read now performs over 90% of all UK searches), Google knows where you are located and delivers the relevant
results to you.
Wherever you are in the UK, carry out a Google search for goods or services and you will have noticed that the results automatically bring up local businesses at the top. Very useful for the searcher, as Google is almost obsessed with delivering intelligent and relevant search results. In most cases these search results even bring up location maps and contact details, as well as a direct link to call the local company or visit their website.
Awesome. But what is behind this technology and just how do you get your business listed right up there?

Before explaining how we can help you to ensure that your business is listed on the first page local results, a little information about how people that search Google respond to results and interact. Number one on a Google search result is always the coveted spot but obviously only one website can occupy this top position. Number 2 has less than half of the click through rate – that is, if being in position number one generates 1,000 click throughs a week to your website then being in position number 2 will generate way less than 500 click throughs. Position 3 is even weaker, so, needless to say, being as high up the search results page as possible will ensure that you receive the most clicks. Local search is slightly different in that Google will still asses and rank your website on its content and search engine optimisation but the strongest ranking element is relevance to a search by location.
If you are a fence erector in Liverpool then you should, by default be
ranked number 1 or at least in the top 3 local search results if you have a few competitors when someone searches ‘fence erector’. So, what do you need to do to get your website or business ranked highest in local search?
That is where we can help.
Firstly, Google needs to know that you even exist. There is a process of business website registration that we can help you with and only really takes a couple of weeks for your business to become registered. Then Google will rank your site for local search results. The key though is to get as high as possible in those local search results. Why? Because they are high on the page, usually have a location map and short summary with direct links to call or visit your website. These search results generate quality enquiries.
Powerful indeed!
To be as high as possible, SEO – or Search Engine Optimisation does help even in these local business rankings. SEO is a blend of ensuring that Google likes the structure, coding and content of your website and that it is relevant to the search that people are making. For example, a hairdresser in Wirral should ensure that when Google visits their website (which
it does regularly to check for updates and changes) that the website remains relevant to the search term ‘hairdresser in Wirral’ This we can help with also but at a most fundamental level, if your website talks about staff, fashion shows that you have attended to put on demonstrations, charity events and modern hair styles in America, great, but Google will
struggle to define exactly what your website is all about..
If your website opens with ‘hairdresser in Wirral, you’ll see that Supercutz are the leading hair salon…’ etc then Google will know what you are all about, you are a hairdresser in in Wirral, and will reward you accordingly with a strong ranking.
Local SEO marketing – we CAN help!
Our job is simple – to ensure that you rank at the top of local searches and receive the rewards and business enquiries or sales that this brings. It takes just a few short weeks to get your business listed on Google local search results. In terms of return on investment, there is little else that you can do that is as cost effective and can have such an impact on your business. It is almost a requirement to be listed there, it’s your business and it is your place to claim.
We are able to help with all aspects of online marketing. Search engine optimisation, website content writing for SEO, blogging, email marketing, Social Media marketing, you name it we can help and advise. But if there is just one thing that you do to increase your online business enquiries then make sure that you are listed in local results. Get in touch and stop missing out on the enquiries and sales that are out there that you should be claiming. And remember, although Google dominates there are other search engines that require the same attention.
Interested in our local SEO package for £77 per week?